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Everything posted by Husky

  1. https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/warmington-miracle-man-survives-30-bullet-wounds Someone beat you to it.
  2. Sorry to bother you Bladerunner The Princess Bride (not a movie but) the original British version of 'Utopia' 12 Angry Men
  3. Pretty cool dude, hope to see you around.
  4. I understand completely where you’re coming from. And that is an inherent risk with democratic decision making, that people will vote for what is most appealing to them then what is in fact the greater good of their interests. There’s some old example about voting between a candy man and a dentist that comes to mind. And I get that, but you gotta remember that communities like this are extremely diverse and generally tend to be mixed around, people don’t wanna stick to the same stuff. You get people who only want to play the legal side and people who only want to play the illegal side and fall into the mindset of Us V Them and I get that. That does happen. But the VAST majority of passive and casual players who are here for fun do not do that and they’re the ones who will have the largest say in these things. I can tell you from experience that having too much of a decentralised system in regards to communities like these does lead to a lot of ‘circle-jerking’ where people who are established and well liked OOC can get whatever they want solely on reputation or likeability. I’m not denying that at all, that is a problem, and a toxic one. And in groups where it’s strictly controlled and the upper echelon has all the say, if you get screwed over by them or they’re acting way outta line, there’s nothing you can do about it. I’ve seen some high up admins and people in power defend and cover up some terrible shit happening on RP communities cause they didn’t want their friends to get screwed over, and there was nothing you could do about it. Having community accountability is a tremendously important step to stopping corruption or misconduct. And it may even be a point of fact that these sorts of elections are simply referendums, in which it’s just to get a community census on the options put forward by management to give management a voice on what the community may like. look, let’s say there’s 4 positions for promotions among 20 staff members. There’s 10 of them that Bio and Ore think are great and they’re struggling to decide. Why shouldn’t we put up a vote to give the community’s opinion on the matter? Ultimately they still have the final say, but the community shouldn’t be deprived of one at all.
  5. oh boy... So, I studied Politics at A-Level... And at University... A lot of my political knowledge revolves around the cold war, political theory, voting systems, foreign intervention and diplomacy as that's primarily what I chose to study. My study on voting systems was during my A-Level course, and, I'm a little rusty on it but - I guess I'm more educated on it then some people here. Now, this is a superb idea that I would insist and beg is implemented here, the rulers should be ruled by those they rule (in some circles, this is called dictatorship of the proletariat (insert soviet anthem here)). And as such, the people who have authority over others in this community should be held accountable by the community - and the community should choose who polices their actions, as opposed to people being brought in or upwards because of OOC friendship, as opposed to meritocracy and the traits of a good leader. Now, the question stands, how do we even vote on this? We all just cast ballots and see which people have the most and then push them up to the next admin level? No. I have a solution. For promotions where multiple admins will advance to a further rank, STV (Single transferable vote) should be utilised, this is explained nicely in the video below. For promotions in which only one admin will be selected, AV (Alternative voting) should be used, this is explained in the video below. The only downside is that STV is kind of hard to calculate sometimes, but, I mean there's generators online to calculate for you, so... Yeah. Essentially, these are the two most democratic and fair methods for selecting people. And for those arguing that democracy doesn't work and that the average voter is an idiot, well, you're the average voter - what does that say about you? Historically, the more democratic things have been, the better the outcomes for the majority have been. If you want a modern day example of direct democracy, look to Rojava in Syria. It's single-handidly pushed womens rights further then in most Western countries... In Syria. Not to mention the work it's done for LGBT rights, but, I digress. Democracy works.
  6. The guy on the left looks like an Italian Scully from Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
  7. Husky


    The evil has been defeated
  8. I'd love to see some sort of Black Panther Party esque group to deviate from the typical gangbanger style, a group specifically there to help locals, do food drives, resolve local conflicts, give political speeches, vigilante justice against people who wronged locals and intimidate/monitor police in their area for misconduct/harassment.
  9. Hello! So as an avid medical roleplayer and someone who really enjoys medRP, I've encountered a lot of people who don't know how to roleplay getting shot or what medical terms or treatments mean. That's understandable and perfectly okay - though it can be frustrating for the EMS services. So I've decided to write a handy guide to run you through the basics of getting shot and what roleplay you may do after being shot, what happens when certain areas are shot, and how to accurately portray the wounds. Warning; some people may find the detail of injury in this guide a little graphic, and I will include spoilers for each area - no graphic images or displays of real gunshots will be included in this guide, I'll keep it as PG as possible (There are some image diagrams of Arteries, blood in/surrounding the lungs - if you wish not to view them, the pictures including blood are in the Thorax section, i.e. the lungs). Head: Torso: -Lungs -Heart -Ribs Abdominal region: -Liver -Stomach -Intestines Legs: Arms: Complications: -Hypovolemic shock, i.e. blood loss. -Arteries -Veins Blood pressure, blood oxygen, beats per minute, what do they mean and how do I roleplay them? -BP -02 -BPM I've tried to keep this guide as simple as possible, and if there are any mistakes or corrections you'd like to point out, please do put a comment. I hope this guide helps some people who perhaps didn't understand some things paramedics were throwing at them, or wanted to roleplay their gunshots a bit better, hope you all have fun, and take care. TL;DR: Bullet ouchie
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