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Everything posted by Twisted

  1. Just as the title says, dedicate a random song to the person above! Be it funny, serious or something you think fits them well! I shall get the ball rolling with this for LCRP:
  2. Yeah also just to note, about 7100 of those GTA hours are from RP lol
  3. Technically I'm not from here anymore but..
  4. Felt like this needed to be updated so, just saying hi again for my second tenure.
  5. Once, there once was a wizard that many feared because he was gay as fuck and nutted on his boss’ dog during extreme ejaculation. Elon notices and died moaning. Then Drake ate a mushroom that made his dog grow into his sister's coochie. Therefore, at exactly 6pm, a knight screamed: AO MA! Show tits now respectfully m’lady. Sadly, she had six hundred dicks instead. Now, release my German pussies after I shave my DeezNuts. Yesterday I danced with Rihanna because cock tastes sweet and sour. Regardless, Jake decided that dogs are thicc, so he also clapped the cheeks of Biden. Regardless, Biography has yet to release LCRP because Ore ERPed his character with your friend Deez Plums while sitting on a hat IN Obama and Trump‘s Dungeon where Gandalf
  6. Your wish has been granted! You now have a strawberry cheesecake with a chocolate drizzle on top. Unfortunately the bakery ran out of ingredients so they had to improvise using turds, mud & organs from rats. I wish I could live in a spaceship.
  7. Those LED's are really nice during night time too, especially with those fairy lights at the bottom of the screen.
  8. Turn up the volume so I can listen to my own damn music..
  9. Once, there once was a wizard that many feared because he was gay as fuck and nutted on his boss’ dog during extreme ejaculation. Elon notices and died moaning. Then Drake ate a mushroom that made his dog grow into his sister's coochie. Therefore, at exactly 6pm, a knight screamed: AO MA! Show tits now respectfully m’lady. Sadly, she had six hundred dicks instead. Now, release my German pussies after I shave my DeezNuts. Yesterday I danced with Rihanna because cock tastes sweet and sour. Regardless, Jake decided that dogs are thicc, so he also clapped the cheeks of Biden. Regardless, Biography has yet
  10. Daaaaaamn, never expected anyone to remember HBG
  11. Love to all of you, especially @K Money for introducing me to this, let's be frank, epic community
  12. So I feel like I need to rewrite this shit by now since it's been over a year since I was last in the staff team. I'm shit at writing about myself but here goes. I'm 28 this year, living in Ireland for now, hopefully not for ever (sorry, just don't like the place). Outside of playing video games, helping the server get to the launch on the property teams side.. I'm unemployed so I got all the time I need, in-fact I get too much time for my own good. What I mean by that is that I have MDD, which is otherwise known as one of the worse forms of depression so too much time being bored leads too much thinking and yeah.. at least it's not constant, so I don't mope all day every day or something like that. Also I don't ask anyone to come at save the day for me, I've accepted my mental illness and simply do my best to live with it. To lift my mood, I help people out with things, take my mind off with a good movie or more commonly play a game, as well as involve myself in music, which sort of helps me release the most of what I feel at the time. If you want to listen to whatever I've made ever since I've had depression, you're welcome to take a listen here: https://soundcloud.com/oshintoo/tracks I'll just drop a link in the comments whenever I come up with something new if anyone wants to follow along. Anyhow, hi! - again
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