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westford last won the day on January 16

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About westford

Lead Admin Team
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  • Birthday June 18

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  1. As someone who has nothing but gratitude for our effort thus far and for those of you who see me as a voice of reason or trustworthy person… i can assure you that management, myself, speed, and the rest of the team are currently and will continue to work our asses off to see this and all of our above solutions through to fruition. If anyone has additional questions, they’re welcome to message me.
  2. westford

    The Polito Crew

    Old Friends... New Beginnings...
  3. | Support 170 years of independent journalism. POLITICS, 12/28/2023 AN EXCLUSIVE WITH BRIAN TURNER By JENSEN SMYTHE, Executive Editor Readers and listeners... Below is the transcript from my recent interview with mayoral candidate, Brian Turner. This got particularly heated towards the end when we took callers. I was fortunate enough to have Mayor Charles Lockhart call in and hold a little impromptu debate between the opposing candidates. Enjoy! This covers the highlights of the conversation. As you can see, there is some serious drama building around this situation. We will continue to report on this. Until next time.
  4. We appreciate your feedback, things like a hotkey menu is coming in the future... Why do you drive with arrow keys and not WASD?
  5. westford


  6. | Support 170 years of independent journalism. BUSINESS, 04/28/2023 JOB SECURITY: IS THE AMERICAN DREAM DEAD? By JENSEN SMYTHE, Editor-in-Chief The American Dream, once seen as a bastion of hope and opportunity for people across the world, is slowly fading away. The impact of job turnover and recent layoffs has been a significant factor in the decline of this iconic ideal, leaving many Americans feeling disillusioned and disheartened. According to recent data, the number of people leaving their jobs voluntarily has reached a record high, indicating a strong desire for workers to seek better opportunities elsewhere. This trend has been seen in many sectors, including hospitality, retail, and technology. Many companies have also announced layoffs and job cuts in response to changing market conditions and the ongoing pandemic. These job losses have hit hard, leaving many workers struggling to make ends meet and causing significant economic and social consequences. For decades, the American Dream has been defined as the idea that anyone, regardless of their background or social status, can achieve success through hard work and determination. This ideal has been fueled by stories of rags-to-riches success, where individuals have started with nothing and built prosperous lives for themselves and their families. However, in recent years, the reality has been quite different. With the increasing economic downturn, many Americans have been left struggling to make ends meet. The promise of a stable job and a secure future has been replaced with uncertainty and anxiety. For many workers, losing a job can mean losing their home, their health insurance, and their sense of purpose. The loss of income can also have a ripple effect, impacting families and communities who depend on these workers' spending power. The impact on the American Dream is also being felt by younger generations. With the rising cost of education and the lack of job security, many young people are finding it increasingly difficult to achieve the same level of success as their parents and grandparents. This has led to a growing sense of frustration and disillusionment, with many questioning the very idea of the American Dream. Despite these challenges, there are signs of hope. Many communities and organizations are working to support workers affected by job losses, providing resources and assistance to help them find new opportunities. Additionally, businesses are recognizing the importance of investing in their employees' development and providing more stable and secure work environments. In Liberty City, we have seen an incredible shift towards recognizing community values and resourcing better living conditions for all. As the job market continues to evolve, it is evident that the American Dream is not dead, but it is certainly changing. With perseverance, collaboration, and innovation, there is hope for a brighter future for all Americans.
  7. Once, there once was a wizard that many feared because he was gay as fuck and nutted on his boss’ dog during extreme ejaculation. Elon notices and died moaning. Then Drake ate a mushroom that made his dog grow into his sister's coochie. Therefore, at exactly 6pm, a knight screamed: AO MA! Show tits now respectfully m’lady. Sadly, she had six hundred dicks instead. Now, release my German pussies after I shave my DeezNuts. Yesterday I danced with Rihanna because cock tastes sweet and sour. Regardless, Jake decided that dogs are thicc, so he also clapped the cheeks of Biden. Regardless, Biography has yet to release LCRP because Ore ERPed his character with your friend Deez Plums while sitting on a hat IN Obama and Trump‘s Dungeon where
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