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Liberty City Roleplay (Community Blacklist)

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As a promise to the community to remain transparent, the LCRP Management has decided to publish the names of community members who have demonstrated behavior which constitutes a community blacklist. Note that this list comprises of people who have committed the most serious offences or have conspired to do so. Any name on this blacklist remains here forever and may not be removed, even if appealed.


We are committed to promoting a friendly, fair and transparent community environment and therefore all of our members have the right to know when a certain player has been blacklisted and for what reason. If you are interested in knowing more about a certain player and the reason for their blacklist, you can reach out to the Lead Admin Team which will always be happy to discuss the wrongdoings of the blacklisted individuals.




1. Kevon Kinnemore, 'Anonymous' or 'Capo di tutti i cappi' - creating an alternative discord account in order to tarnish the community's image, labeling the entire LCRP Staff Team as racist, providing false information to developers about the community with the intention to stall our progress whilst being in the Admin Team. Lying about the condition of his father in order to avoid addressing the issue, admitting to staying in the community in order to steal information about it and use it for his own roleplay project.


2. King G - conspiring with Kevon Kinnemore to damage LCRP's reputation by spreading false information about the Staff Team. Was initially going to be removed from the community as advised by Kevon Kinnemore for wanting to create a toxic environment and conspiring against staff, as well as having a history of being power hungry. 


3. Dago Mike - demonstrating very toxic behavior whilst being a member of the Admin Team, refusing to abide the team's regulations, insulting members of the community and constantly lying to the Lead Admin Team. After being caught, spreading false information that a member of the Admin Team has bought their position, therefore attempting to negatively affect the server's reputation with false claims.


4. RexSmity - prolonged history of toxicity, rule breaking and doxing on other communities. Insulting members of LCRP. Failure to recognize his issues or apologize. Continuously spamming the forums out of rage for being banned.


5. Kirill_Ustinov, Kirill or Dimmi — has been blacklisted from the community for his atrocious behaviour and several attempts at sabotaging our reputation after giving ultimatums to staff, after being banned 3 times and throughout the majority of the existence of our community. His extremely self-centered, ego-centristic and manipulative behaviour was used to maintain himself in the community in the exchange of mapping services; used the false "LC:RP Founder" and claimed community ownership in his signature, and once approached publicly in a channel available to all server staff politely to stop, he repeatedly insulted and has thrown personal attacks to administrators, and further claimed his founding as a right to insult, break rules, sabotage and denigrate hard-working members of this community. Once removed, started spreading completely false rumours about LC:RP being a scam and server management being con artists while claiming all of this was advice; spread sensitive information to other community members with the purpose of harming our reputation.


6. Tyrant / Chuckles / Chuck - participating in secret conversations in an attempt to create issues with the LCN WG and ultimately the community's Management. Harboring a hacker by refusing to provide information to management regarding a breached account. Creating an alternative discord with the purpose of swaying public opinion to negatively affect the management and thus the community with a fabricated screenshot. Horrendous attitude. In addition, suspected of creating alternative forum accounts in the past to provoke LCN members.


7. Kiffer#8640 / Res1cue - horrendous attitude whilst occupying the position of a faction leader of the FDLC. Requesting special privilege from Management against an administrative action taken against him, as opposed to following the LCRP regulation regarding staff reports. Similar attitude displayed in the past. Once removed from the faction leadership position, pruned the FDLC forums which were later restored. Just a day prior to the incident, Kiffer requested access to the FDLC FTP which he was denied from for security purposes, claiming he would never delete the FDLC forums. Furthermore proceeded to insult LCRP Management after the incident.


8. Ayatollah/Amschel - poor attempt at being a high school bully. Claims to have archived the entire discord history of internal staff channels and threatening to leak them. ACCESS.



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Community blacklist was updated as of the 22nd of June, 2021:


Kirill_Ustinov, Kirill or Dimmi — Has been blacklisted from the community for his atrocious behaviour and several attempts at sabotaging our reputation after giving ultimatums to staff, after being banned 3 times and throughout the majority of the existence of our community. His extremely self-centered, ego-centristic and manipulative behaviour was used to maintain himself in the community in the exchange of mapping services; used the false "LC:RP Founder" and claimed community ownership in his signature, and once approached publicly in a channel available to all server staff politely to stop, he repeatedly insulted and has thrown personal attacks to administrators, and further claimed his founding as a right to insult, break rules, sabotage and denigrate hard-working members of this community. Once removed, started spreading completely false rumours about LC:RP being a scam and server management being con artists while claiming all of this was advice; spread sensitive information to other community members with the purpose of harming our reputation.


This, among a dozen other incidents, has lead the administration and management of LC:RP to collectively agree on a permanent blacklist from our community. 

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Community blacklist was updated as of the 10th of September, 2021:


Tyrant / Chuckles / Chuck - participating in secret conversations in an attempt to create issues with the LCN WG and ultimately the community's Management. Harboring a hacker by refusing to provide information to management regarding a breached account. Creating an alternative discord with the purpose of swaying public opinion to negatively affect the management and thus the community with a fabricated screenshot. Horrendous attitude. In addition, suspected of creating alternative forum accounts in the past to provoke LCN members.

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Community blacklist was updated as of the 23rd of July, 2022:


Kiffer#8640 / Res1cue - horrendous attitude whilst occupying the position of a faction leader of the FDLC. Requesting special privilege from Management against an administrative action taken against him, as opposed to following the LCRP regulation regarding staff reports. Similar attitude displayed in the past. Once removed from the faction leadership position, pruned the FDLC forums (with 0 regard to the number of people who had contributed) which were later restored. Just a day prior to the incident, Kiffer requested access to the FDLC FTP which he was denied from for security purposes, claiming he would never delete the FDLC forums. Furthermore proceeded to insult LCRP Management after the incident.








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Community blacklist was updated as of the 1st of January, 2023:


8. Ayatollah/Amschel - poor attempt at being a high school bully. Claims to have archived the entire discord history of internal staff channels and threatening to leak them. ACCESS.

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