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  1. You're entitled to your opinion but what you're saying just isn't very realistic or practical.
  2. To answer the original thread: I think the question administrators should focus on when determining whether or not it's OOC'ly justified to kill a LEO isn't whether they'd kill the LEO in this situation, but more: Does it make sense for this player's character to kill a LEO? Does it fit their character's personality, behavior, background, and history? Does their RP up to this point support that they'd resort to murdering a law enforcement officer to avoid ______?
  3. I get what you're saying. I don't even disagree with you, I think those are all dumb reasons to kill a cop too. I just think it's wrong to say that it's "unrealistic". To me, deathmatching rules are a lot more about fairness than they are realism. And I'm okay with that, as long as people don't pretend otherwise.
  4. Sure. But RP'ing being fucked in the head isn't bad RP, a poor excuse, or unrealistic. It's incredibly common to be "fucked in the head". John Hopkins states that almost 25 percent of the population suffers from a mental disorder of some sort. That's 1 in every 4 people. Cops interact with dozens of people a day. In a high crime area like Liberty City, doesn't it make sense that they'd encounter plenty of really dangerous situations?
  5. Less than 5 percent of suspects charged with murder of a law enforcement officer even attempt an insanity defense. Less than 1 percent are successful. It's normally regular people with poor coping skills, or who are very intoxicated. Or just people that are ignorant.
  6. No you can't. Cops get killed over speeding tickets IRL. Cops get killed for just pulling the wrong person over, even if they have no intention of giving them a ticket. Cops get killed for responding to their eventual killers' own 911 calls., Cops get killed for intervening in arguments. There's no "unrealistic" scenario in which you'd kill a cop. Admins just have to use judgement to determine whether or not killing a LEO makes sense given the situation, the mindset of the character, and the development/consequences. @Conwell It's interesting you say that, because it's by FAR the most realistic time to shoot at police officers. As a law enforcement officer, you are statistically more likely to die in a traffic stop than you are a responder to any 911 call, executing a high risk warrant, or encountering a barricaded suspect. In fact, the only situation in which you're more likely to get shot as a police officer is during a mass shooting in which police officers are the primary target. Another statement that reality doesn't support. DUI stops are some of the most dangerous stops for police officers. People drunk enough to think driving drunk is okay are definitely drunk enough to try harming a police officer that's trying to apprehend them.
  7. can't wait to see 35 year old white investment bankers saying "that's fizz son, i got the glizzy on court"
  8. I think the current system does this pretty well. If you're moving while firing or firing too quickly the reticle disappears and the recoil goes all over the place . The current system rewards players for taking well placed shots on target from cover, which is exactly how it should be.
  9. i feel like you’re taking this all way too seriously and you need to relax genuinely from a place of empathy, it’s not healthy to get this worked up over such a small issue
  10. I'm not making excuses. I don't have to make excuses because it isn't a problem. Find something more important to get upset about. This is one of the most unproductive suggestions I've ever seen and absolutely nothing is going to come of it. Nobody cares if people spawn where they want. It's a non-issue. In the rare case that it isn't, let the admins do their jobs. People's OOC lives come FIRST. Full stop. You forcing people to "plan in advance" is a gross violation of liberty. In real life, shit happens. You should honestly apologize for even suggesting such a thing. I've exhausted several attempts to be open minded and reasonable, but its time to be blunt with you and just tell you the facts: There's going to be spawn points and "last location" is going to be one of them. It's not a big deal. Get over it.
  11. I agree with this. This template should be the one used. Honestly, if the main argument I'm hearing is "people will abuse spawn points" then I could really care less. I feel like if the people advocating for no spawn points want to convince me, they're gonna have to come up with a different argument because honestly? People abusing spawn points doesn't really bother me. Maybe if they're doing it to avoid police or other people that are chasing them, in which case, an admin can handle it. Spawn points are probably at the bottom of the list in terms of things I'm concerned about people abusing. The only person it benefits is the person spawning, and it harms no one. If your server's biggest problem is that people are spawning where they actually want to roleplay instead of having to drive to and from their house, I'd say your server is in a pretty good position. I also really like the example that @Goonbag used. If you want to log off, every second you drive is a potential traffic stop; and who can fault someone for rushing when they want to log off? And a traffic stop turns a two-four minute drive into a 10 minute scenario at best, and an hour or two at worst.
  12. I'm sure this has been said already as I haven't bothered to read through five pages, but: Ego, Censorship , Soft Skin, and Inability to admit that they're Wrong. "Who do you think you're talking to like that?" "Quit discussing this; take it to PMs, this isn't the place for these types of conversations." - (Rare Exceptions: Blatant flaming, trolling, etc.) "I banned you because you said my response was "pathetic and childish". That's incredibly disrespectful" "I understand that you killed this person after they threatened to murder your wife, and that you killed them in your gang's turf, in an alley, after warning them to leave several times. However, as you're right across the street from a bank, I find that you killing this person is incredibly unreasonable. Therefore, I'm inclined to punish you for poor RP." If any of these statements sound like something you can see yourself saying, you're probably a bad administrator.
  13. As others have said, the current system on the test server is close to perfect. It's VERY well balanced. I see no reason to touch it. That being said, basing it off real life can be finicky. In real life, people are shot once in the leg and bleed to death. In real life, people are shot seven times in the chest and survive. Neither of these scenarios are "once in a life time/blue moon/miracle" situations either; they're both fairly common. The human body is incredible in both its fragility and its durability. I don't know how customizable hitboxes are, but it would be nice to have "graze wounds" that do significantly less damage depending on where you get hit (say if you aim on the very side of someone's face as opposed to their forehead).
  14. So despite being a big advocate for realism at all costs, this is one place where I actually don't mind to give some up and cite the dreaded "it's a video game". If I RP at a bar for a few hours, and I'm tired as shit, and it's super late, and I have work in the morning, I don't want to get in my car, drive across three boroughs, deal with potential traffic/an accident, get out, go upstairs, and go into my house. If I have to log off suddenly, I don't have any choice but to spawn in the middle of who-cares. IRL, driving places is a huge pain in the ass too, so it's not like we're missing out. I'll acknowledge that this: is the only point I agree with. It's a good point, and I'd like to see more traffic. That being said: I could care less. In real life, most of the people around you are a blur. When you leave a business, you don't pay attention to where everyone goes. As long as they all fuck off, just as in real life, my immersion isn't being broken. I also don't have a problem with this; primarily because: Here's the thing. At the end of the day, the goal is to promote roleplay. And if I am forced to spawn 4 miles away from my usual neighborhood, say I rode there with a friend. Now I have to call a cab, wait forty-five minutes for one to log on, and then ride back to my car? No thanks. IMO, spawning should go like this: One spawn point in each borough; whether it be the airport, a hotel, a hostel, a park, whatever. Something that makes sense. And you can spawn at your house/business. The goal of a roleplay server should be the goal of literally every single other game in existence: get people into the game and having fun as soon as possible. You don't do that by forcing them to traverse the map before they can roleplay. Let them roleplay. All of that being said however; I could really care less. My only stipulation is this: If the only place you're allowed to spawn is your HOME, then you should be able to spawn there whenever. Don't force players to spawn in 5 miles away because they logged out after leaving a bar at night.
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