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Everything posted by Gangsterism

  1. The story of Joel Derney Joe Spera... "amico nostra"... (LOL) The kingpin of North Alderney Lo and behold the forbidden screens THE SITUATION:
  2. Overall, the roleplay is definitely there and I've participated in some good scenes thus far despite the potholes that everyone's been running into. However, there are definitely sync issues that need to be addressed for further playability such as: Desynced stances/animations i.e. https://i.imgur.com/agVJwla.png Leaving your vehicle engine on before entering an interior will shut it off client-side when leaving the interior, but not for other people. Others will still see the vehicle engine running as it was before you entered the interior. Potentially other sync issues I have not tested for.
  3. seen you guys in action before, leggo for round 2
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